Beneath every regulation is a potential market opportunity to be exploited. We help startups and fintechs launch, thrive, and cultivate a strong compliance backbone. Companies come to us to help build durable projects from scratch. Our advice is practical. Our approach, efficient. We consider your issues from all angles.

Regulation is a walled garden – use it to your advantage.

Domestic Regulation

Regulation within the United States changes on a regular basis. We submit public comments to regulators advancing positions in the best interests of established financial technology companies and blockchain startups. We offer our voice to advocate for rational changes to securities, money transmitter, and commodities laws.

Global Regulation

Internationally, regulation of financial services firms can vary considerably. We help companies understand global issues relevant to foreign incorporation, regulation, and bank partnerships. Our network of local counsel assists with issues that require boots on the ground.

Legal Project Management

Many of our clients have projects that require input from attorneys with varying levels of tech expertise in multiple jurisdictions. We bridge the gap between external legal specialists and internal operational staff, all in the interest of saving our clients time, effort, and money.

Thought Leadership

Given the rapid clip of financial technology and blockchain development, there is no shortage of opportunity for creative legal thinking. Our team regularly puts forward challenging articles that spark discussion among fintech and blockchain firms on a range of issues.


Members of our team have taught at top U.S. law schools and have educated a global audience of lawyers and regulators. We offer bespoke courses to law firms and attorneys entering the complex world of financial services regulation, with special attention paid to developments in blockchain technology.

Our Professional Network

We maintain an extensive global network of advisers and legal counsel, extending our value proposition beyond our respective fields of expertise. We make our network of vetted, tested specialists available to each and every one of our clients.